1 - June 2, Sunday – Monday
June 2, Monday

History and Meaning
Shavuot was originally an agricultural holiday associated with the beginning of the wheat harvest in Israel. In ancient times, this holiday was the time of the first harvest (in particular, wheat), which was brought to the temple in Jerusalem as a sacrifice of gratitude. This holiday is called Yom HaBikurim (Day of the First Fruits), and within its framework, the fruits of the first ripened fruits of the earth, especially wheat, were brought as a symbol of gratitude for the harvest.
Over time, Shavuot acquired spiritual significance, since on this day, according to Jewish tradition, the Torah was given on Mount Sinai, which makes this holiday an important stage in the history of the Jewish people. The holiday symbolizes the unity of the people and God, as well as the confirmation of the covenant that was made between them.
Holiday Traditions
Torah Study. One of the most important traditions of Shavuot is the nightly Torah study, known as Tikkun Shavuot. On this night, Jews often gather in synagogues or at home to study sacred texts and discuss issues related to the Torah. This symbolizes the readiness of the people of Israel to receive the Torah.
Reading the Book of Ruth. On the day of Shavuot, the Book of Ruth is traditionally read in synagogues. It tells the story of a woman who converted to the Jewish faith and became the foremother of King David, symbolizing the openness of the Jewish people to all who wish to join their ranks. The book is also associated with the harvest holiday, as it tells of the harvest.
Decorating houses with greenery. Traditionally, there is a custom of decorating houses and synagogues with greenery and flowers, which symbolizes fertility and blessings for the harvest.
Preparing dairy dishes. On Shavuot, it is customary to eat dairy products, especially cheesecakes, pancakes and other milk-based dishes. This is due to the symbolism of the Torah, which in Jewish tradition is compared to milk and honey, as well as to historical tradition - since the Jews, having received the Torah on Sinai, did not have time to prepare meat for food and used dairy products.
Festive meal. On the day of Shavuot, large family dinners are held with traditional dishes and treats. This holiday is considered joyful and festive, and the family gathers together for prayer and a meal.